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State-of-the-art medical solutions – from Hong Kong, for the world!

Dear friends,

You surely have heard about the international-standard western medical care in Hong Kong – and it is now by your doorstep.
In association with the established ActiveCareMedics ™ and ActiveCarePharmacy ™, ActiveCareSolutions ™ relays our inter-disciplinary medical service to you when you come to Hong Kong or travel to the greater China and Asia-Pacific regions.
We can either back up local medical care systems if you unfortunately happen to utilize them, or arrange you to be taken good care of in Hong Kong if you wish to.
On the other hand, we also welcome you to arrange with us to come to Hong Kong for private medical service, of which speed and quality is the fame.

Here are, for instance, examples of what we can do for you:

Medical evacuation and repatriation
We do offer regional-international medical evacuation and repatriation services for you to be (and after you are) well taken care of in Hong Kong. You will enjoy timely deployed, fully escorted (doctor, nurse and paramedic) and fully equipped (with life support facility) air or ground ambulance service. Hospital-to-hospital direct transfer is what we provide – that saves you, or your relative, a lot of trouble when an illness or an injury occurred!

Emergency medical assistance
We offer emergency medical in-house and in-hotel consultation throughout Hong Kong. In addition, you can obtain pharmacist’s advice and emergency supply of drugs, pharmaceuticals and first-aid products from us. You can rest assured that we host a full panel of specialties: medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, orthopedics, cardiology, eye specialist, brain surgeon… and emergency room (ER) specialist.

Inter-disciplinary medical service
We do not just give you a doctor and a nurse, period. In fact, you can always contact us for a range of allied health services. You can see our dentist, relax under the care of our physiotherapist, chiropractor and osteopathic doctor, discuss at length and leisure with our dietician, pain team and psychologist, and not the least, utilize our full laboratory support.

Confidentiality medical check-up program
We do recognize that your home country may have a long queue waiting for medical check-ups important to your health. Worse still, sometimes the information is not secure and you fear that unauthorized people may know you have ‘some disease’. So, why don’t you come to Hong Kong to experience our confidential medical check-up program with dedicated follow up treatments if necessary? It may come in trouble-free standard packages or tailor-made individual panels. It may be done in private hospital or private laboratory. But it is all the same – quick, qualified and quiet (hush, nobody will ever know unless you want to tell them)! Confidentiality is the issue!

Convenient and supportive services`
We answer your calls and queries all day round. We promise day and night medical attention. We provide translation if you don’t happen to speak English or Chinese… When you pay your bill, you will find that even payment www.activecaremedics.com is easy: we accept cash, credit cards and Pay-Pal. Now imagine you come to Hong Kong but get bogged down with some ailments; or you somehow get injured in mainland China and would rather be better treated in Hong Kong; or you have just landed in Hong Kong and, ah, realized that you’ve forgotten to bring your blood pressure drugs; or your kid suddenly get a fever and you’d be thinking about where to seek help… Think ActiveCareSolutions ™. Because we offer a caring and unquestionably state-of-the-art medical solutions – from Hong Kong, for the World! So now you’ve come to the last step: contact us . Our hotline is . Nice that we can help you (and you actually need not be ill to start a health check)!

Yours sincerely,
Leo W Sham
Medical coordinator,
ActiveCareSolutions ™.